약혼식 및 태국식 워터 파우어링 결혼식
우아한 태국 실크로 차려 입고 아름다운 꽃으로 장식된 높은 단상이 있는 고급스러운 결혼식장으로 입장합니다. 신랑과 신부의 취향을 고려해 불단, 웨딩 화환 및 맞춤식 배경막을 준비해 드립니다. 센타라에서는 결혼식을 진행하는 동안 소중한 하객과 승려들에게 최선을 다할 것을 약속 드립니다. 스트레스 없는 전통 태국식 결혼식으로 기억에 남는 친밀한 순간이 될 것입니다.
Package Includes
Package Includes
- 최대 30인을 위한 태국식 허브 주스와 생수 제공
- 불상, 꽃병, 꽃 스탠드 두 개가 설치된 의식용 단상
- 태국식 물 붓기 의식 세트 및 신랑과 신부 이름이 새겨진 배경막
- 신부 및 신랑을 위한 웨딩 화환, 손 화환 두 개, 최대 30인용 소형 손 화환
- 신부 부케 1개
- 배경 음악과 마이크
- 하객용 소파 세트와 의자가 준비된 대기실
추가 서비스
Set Menus
1. Chinese Set Menus
- Jasmine Menu THB 15,500 net/table
- Lotus Menu THB 16,500 net/table
- Orchid Menu THB 18,500 net/table
2. Thai & Western Buffet Menus
- Jasmine Menu THB 1,450 net/person
- Lotus Menu THB 1,550 net/person
- Orchid Menu THB 1,750 net/person
3. Cocktail Menus
- Jasmine Menu THB 1,350 net/person
- Lotus Menu THB 1,450 net/person
- Orchid Menu THB 1,650 net/person
Musical Band Types
1. Electone with Karaoke and singer - THB 8,500 net
2. Trio Band - THB 15,000 net
- Electric Piano, Double Bass & Violin
- Violin, Cello & Flute or Viola
3. Quartet - THB 20,000 net
- Violin, Viola, Cello and Flute
- Electric Piano, Double Bass, Violin and Flute or Saxophone
- Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass
4. Trio Band with Singer - THB 55,000 net
- Drum, Guitar and Bass
- Electric Piano, Guitar and Saxophone
- Electric Piano, Bass and Drum
5. String Combo Band - THB 60,000 net
- Drum, Guitar, Bass and Electric Piano
6. Additional Singer - THB 2,500 net per singer
Entertainment & Audiovisual Equipment
1. Bubble Machine - THB 3,000 net
2. Follow Light and Controller - THB 3,500 net/set
Additional Flower Decorations
1. Photo backdrop or special decoration: THB 35,000 net
2. Photo backdrop bring-in fee: THB 20,000 net
3. One corsage for VIP guest: Starting from THB 5,000 net
4. Photo gallery: THB 10,000 net
5. One corsage for VIP guest: THB 150 net/piece
6. Bride and groom garlands (one set/two garlands): THB 2,000 net/set
7. Hand garland: THB 1,000 net/piece
8. One bridal bouquet: Starting from THB 1,500 net
9. Ice sculpture: THB 1,500 net/piece
10. Blessing book: THB 500 net/piece
11. Wedding gift box: THB 1,000 net/box
12. Corkage charge: THB 500 net/bottle
13. Flower decoration for stage rim (size 60 c.m./piece) THB 1,000 net/piece
Terms of Payment
- Upon confirmation of your booking, a 50% deposit payment is required and any other expenses will be settled as per the hotel's requirements.
- Payment can be made by cash or bank transfer to Bangkok Bank PCL. (Bangkhen Branch) to account No. 161-3-04064-9 (Current Account).
- Kindly send your payment confirmation via email by providing your name and the date of your event to our Sales Department.
- For further information, please contact (+66) 0 2541 1234 ext. 4210 or email: [email protected]